
Contaminant Vapor Migration and Intrusion

More Information
Course Title: Contaminant Vapor Migration and Intrusion
Course ID: VAQM-401
Status: CLOSED
Date(s): February 26, 2025: 8:30am - 4:30pm
February 27, 2025: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Location: Live Remote Attendance-- USA

Live Remote Attendance, WA
Instructor: Elie H. Haddad
Tuition: $795 / $745*
$745 / $695* (Before January 27, 2025)
Class is Closed



**Note - For every course we have implemented live stream remote attendance.  You will need a computer and an internet connection. 

This course provides an overview of the vapor intrusion exposure pathway including its scientific foundation, regulatory framework, and the technical aspects of investigating and remediating contaminated vapor sites. The class will cover topics such as: screening sites for potential vapor intrusion concerns, conducting field investigations, sampling techniques, data analyses, exposure point calculations, the Johnson and Ettinger predictive model, vapor intrusion risk assessment, vapor intrusion mitigation, and remediation. Participants will work through practical problems and typical site scenarios based on case studies of established vapor intrusion sites. This course provides a comprehensive introduction for those new to the field, and will also provide insights, data analysis techniques, and the latest research for more advanced participants.

"This course was very organized and interesting...gave real life case studies that helped me understand the topics that were taught throughout the course." K. Erney, February 2013

"Thorough.  The instructor included references to local (state) guidance and its divergence from other VI guidance." C. Grover, February 2013

"I really liked how the instructor used state specific guidance and compared it to other states' + EPA guidance...the case studies were great - really illustrated the content of the course." R. Ridenour, February 2013

"The instructor is knowledgeable and very willing to engage students." D. Hammer, February 2013

"His extensive real world experience gave confidence in his knowledge." R. Timmins, August 2013

"Very good course overall very helpful as an introduction to VI.  Instructor very knowledgable and explained content in a very clear way." L. Galu, August 2013

Intended Audience:

Environmental professionals seeking an improved understanding of vapor migration and intrusion with an emphasis on vapor assessment and modeling. The material is intended for practitioners working on remediation of hazardous substance release sites and brownfields redevelopment.

Continuing Education Units: 1.30 CEUs

More Information

Course Topics

  1. Introduction

Overview and Definitions

  • Defining “volatile chemicals”
  • Migration pathways

Vapor Migration Issues

  • Human health risks
  • Universal nature of pathway
  • Mitigation/Remediation
  • Future property development/brownfields redevelopment 

Vapor Chemistry

  • 3 and 4 phase chemical partitioning
  • Partitioning as predicted by: Henry’s law, vapor pressure, and Raoult’s law

Vapor Physics

  • Diffusion
  • Fick’s law
  • Advection


  • Soils
  • Vapor permeability
  • Heterogeneities
  • Porosity (total, air-filled/water-filled)
  • Perched water
  • Preferential vapor migration


  • Chlorinated VOCs
  • Petroleum hydrocarbons 

Building Design Issues

  • Foundation types
  • Space partitioning
  • HVAC systems

Regulatory Framework:

  • ITRC guidance
  • DTSC guidance & CHHSLs

Vapor Intrusion Investigations

  • Sampling techniques for groundwater, soil, subslab, and indoor air
  • Depth discrete
  • Temporary vs. permanent monitoring points
  • Analytical methods
  • Spatial temporal variability
  • Limitations
  • Correlation to indoor levels

Data Analysis and Interpretation

  • 90/95% UCLs
  • Using means
  • Partitioned buildings
  • Separation of ventilation systems 

Johnson and Ettinger Model

  • Types
  • Data needs
  • Parameter sensitivities
  • Accuracy
  • Value
  • Problems and limitations
  • Guidance

Case Studies

Vapor Mitigation Systems and Engineered Controls

  • Modified HVAC systems
  • Air treatment
  • Sub-slab depressurization (types, performance/reliability)
  • Vapor barriers (types, specifications)
  • Combination systems

Vapor Remediation

  • Source-zone treatment
  • SVE systems
  • Dual-phase
  • Demonstrating compliance
  • Off-gas treatment

Institutional Controls

  • Government controls
  • Propietary controls
  • Enforcement tools with IC components
  • Informational devices
  • Monitoring of ICs 

New Developments in Vapor Intrusion

  • Future of Johnson and Ettinger model
  • EPA databases
  • Correlation levels
  • Empirical vs. theoretical results
  • HVOCs vs. petroleum
  • EPA guidance and use of generic attenuation factors
  • Other vapor guidance


About the Instructor

Elie H. Haddad

Elie H. Haddad

Mr. Haddad is a vice president for Haley and Aldrich where he is involved in vapor intrusion investigations, remediation and modeling, risk assessments, planning and strategy, development and implementation of RI/FS programs, engineering designs, hydrogeological activities, computer modeling, and operation and maintenance programs. He led an unprecedented, and perhaps largest, indoor air investigation at a Superfund site. His work established a benchmark for other EPA sites. Mr. Haddad has used his skills to allocate remedial costs among potentially responsible parties at several sites, and to allow redevelopment of several contaminated properties into commercial uses. He supervised the development of remedial design for several Superfund sites, developed and used soil, groundwater, and air dispersion model, and is an expert in hydrogeological applications. Mr. Haddad is also a faculty member of the University of California at Berkeley Extension Program where he has taught the course "Fate and Transport of Contaminants in the Environment". In addition, Mr. Haddad serves on the seminar committee of the Groundwater Resources Association where he has chaired several seminars on various topics including vapor intrusion.

What to Bring

A computer with an internet conneciton. You may want your text available or pencil and paper to take notes.

Billing Information

In order to guarantee a space in a course, the tuition must be paid in full TWO WEEKS before the first day of the course by either check or credit card. State and government agencies paying with a purchase order are allowed payment under the two-week time frame if a copy of the purchase order is received by NWETC.

If You Need to Cancel


  • With 31 or more days notice, we will offer a 100% refund or credit towards a future course. The credit is good for one year and may be applied to any course.
  • With 30-8 days notice, we will offer a course credit towards a future course. The credit is good for one year and may be applied to any course.
  • With fewer than 8 days notice, there is no course credit available

*Please note that attendee replacement is welcome at any time

Disability Accommodations

Disability Accommodations:

To request disability accommodations, please contact us at or 425-270-3274 at least 30 days prior to the event.

Upcoming Course Dates

Click the date of the course you would like to register for


  • From:

  • To:
  •   Live Remote Attendance-- USA Live Remote Attendance, WA TBD



*Reduced tuition available to employees of Native American tribes, nonprofits, and government agencies; students; and NAEP members.

If you have any trouble registering please call (425) 270-3274 ext 103
Please wait to receive a course confirmation email, roughly one month prior to the class, before making any travel arrangements. Please review what to bring!


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